Swansea Morriston Roadside

Latest Data: Updated 05/07/2024 13:00 GMT

Parameter Index Band Concentration Period
O3 No Data 8 Hour mean
PM2.5 No Data 24 Hour mean
NO2 No Data hourly mean
NOXasNO2 No Data hourly mean
NO No Data hourly mean

Note: Values are based on provisional data. Data are GMT hour ending.

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Parameter Parameter Name

Statistics for Swansea Morriston Roadside

Site Name Swansea Morriston Roadside
Site Type Roadside
Easting, Northing 267209, 197675
Latitude, Longitude 51.662122, -3.921301
OS Grid Ref SS6721197685
Address Wychtree Street, Morriston, Swansea
Site Comments The Morriston Groundhog has been operational since September 2000 and is located adjacent to the southbound slip road to the busy A4067 dual carriageway at Morriston Underpass. The Hafod AQMA boundary is approximately one mile south of this location.
Monitoring Network: Welsh Automatic Urban pollution Monitoring
Parameter Date Started Date Ended
Volatile PM10 (Hourly measured) 28/10/2006 17/12/2015
Ozone 17/10/2000
Modelled Wind Direction 01/08/2010
Wind Direction 17/10/2000 09/06/2017
Nitric Oxide 17/10/2000
Particulates < 10um (hourly measured) 17/10/2000 17/12/2015
Particulates < 2.5um (hourly measured) 15/01/2016
Wind Speed 17/10/2000 09/06/2017
Nitrogen dioxide 17/10/2000
Modelled Temperature 01/08/2010
Sulphur dioxide 17/10/2000 23/09/2010
Carbon Monoxide 17/10/2000 07/04/2010
Non-volatile PM10 (Hourly measured) 28/10/2006 17/12/2015
Nitrogen oxides as nitrogen dioxide 17/10/2000
Modelled Wind Speed 01/08/2010
Ambient Temperature 17/10/2000 09/06/2017
Hydrogen Sulphide 17/10/2000 22/01/2009

The photographs show the site itself, and views looking North, East, South and West.

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